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Keeping Safe Online!

10 Top Tips For Young People:

  1. Always set your social networks such as Facebook, to private. To Do This Follow The Steps Below:
    • Click On My Accounts
    • Scroll Down To Privacy Settings
    • Click Only Friends and Networks
  2. Never give out personal information such as home address, school, and phone numbers
  3. Don't post pictures of yourself that you may be embarrassed by later
  4. Posting videos that are rude or offensive can come back to haunt you later if you are trying to get into college or university what you put on the internet stays there!
  5. Never send pictures of yourself that can be seen as nasty or inappropriate while using your phone… It can be illegal!
  6. Always keep your Bluetooth on OFF
  7. Don't send mean or harassing messages while using the internet or your phone…that makes you a cyberbully!
  8. Don't give out personal information while gaming…it is the same as on MSN!
  9. If you are getting harassed on the internet or with your phone, report the abuse. Tell a responsible adult and ask for help.
  10. If someone asks you for inappropriate materials of yourself or others, always report them to www.ceop.gov.uk

Things to know about:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) - www.ceop.gov.uk is the place you can go to if you need to report someone who may be contacting you and asking you:

  • For sexually explicit images or videos
  • To send them an inappropriate video or picture of yourself
  • To meet them in person and they are not who they said they were

Also, if you have been harmed by someone you met off the internet or if you have seen something you feel needs to be reported about another child or young person. CEOP can help!

You can also get advice and guidance about sexting through Childlines Zippit App.

More About Social Media:

  1. Sign in to the main page
  2. In the tool bar, click on settings
  3. Then click on Privacy
  4. Each section has its own settings
  5. Click Only Friends and Networks for each one and you are done!

When you use MSN remember that being a bully is not ok! Also, remember that you may be talking to someone who is not who they say they are and you need to be safe! Do not give out personal information like your address and phone number or the school you go to.

If you send nasty, rude, harassing or threatening messages and images to someone, it can affect them in ways you do not know. It can affect how they see themselves, how they talk to people, what they eat, how they think and how they live!

What you say while using the internet or your phone is real and has real consequences!

Social Networks: No matter how old you are, if you have a social network page, you should have it set to private! Setting privacy settings is easy!

MSN: Remember that what you say online is real!

Cyberbullying: Being a bully online can affect everyone!

For further information about keeping safe please go to: